This week has been very chaotic. On the side I have been pursuing photography. The past two and a half weeks I have been working for Leshawn Holcomb with Griot Theater Company. This week the show (August Wilson's Half a Century) started. Last night I photographed the performances before the show the show itself and the actors involved. This took a lot of energy and quite frankly was exhausting but I did it. At the same time basketball is starting and I need to figure out what's going on with that, because my work schedule isn't very fitting for basketball. To add to all of that I am really debating whether not I should pay $200 to go to the Tyler The Creator concert. Its something I've wanted to do for years but I'm not sure its the best financial decision at the moment. On the lighter side of things my girlfriend and I have been really good lately and my friend Milo is starting to get in to relationship which makes me really happy because he's a good dude and he deserves it.


Today's Corny Joke 🌽: What do people call jokes when they get old?

                                       "A grandpa joke"