Foxes and Lambs
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Counterfeit guises and cocky deceptions,
Universal inadequacy and the arrogant assumption of temporary success,
Our pathetic atmosphere filled with all this and more,
Not just those damned carbon footprints, god knows,
It’s the stain of humanity and essentially Earth,
(Ah it’s the hypocrisy that comes with those words being - in our eyes - equivalent, since birth)
It’s the existence of said humanity that impairs,
Subtle balances and natural harmonies, all fragile tensions,
Life on Earth is a pitiful existence in all frank nature,
Evolution favored the arrogant, the boastful, the humans mentioned,
It is in the eyes of Locke and Calvin, that nature provided rights,
Homo sapiens justified to the greatest and most impossibly egregious heights,
Let me mention that, as one of the most truthful of cases,
It is in our most ignorant of constitutions that builds these benign bases,
Conviction and expectation of the redundant excess,
And the confidence that we are a divinely-formulated species, at our best,
It is upon these principles that we forge such notions,
Having the audacity to think we matter amongst the other, simmering billions,
Life as we know it for such mortals as we is comical,
We take and take and build backbones of shimmering gold as if we are some positive influence on the rest of the - contrary to popular belief - very much mortal world,
Golding once claimed the inevitability of savage human nature,
Stating that we are inherently at our very cores animalistic creatures,
But what he forgot to mention was that in the pursuit of happiness,
Whether of civil disposition or other wise,
An animal has no shame, no realization, and most importantly: no remorse,
Call it the circle of life, the egotism and hubris of men,
But in the end we are all under the same association of sapiens,
Whether we chose to relish in its esteem or not,
We will perpetually live a hierarchical existence in which there will invariably and without a doubt, be the concept and pursuit of more,
But what I would like for you to consider is: would you really critique a fox for eating a lamb, after all is it anything other than, to it, just another everyday chore?
Inherently, maybe it was just evolution or circumstance that made it so -
We are the foxes, and the world and all its enduring survival: our lambs.
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