I have been playing basketball since I learned to walk and throw. When I was younger I played for the YMCA Junior Warriors, eventually playing CYO and AAU. During 7th grade CYO I picked up a nickname that stuck with me ever since, "Mouse" short for "Mighty Mouse" it may sound like tease do to my short stature, but in reality it embodies who I am as both a player and a person. Though it may not be my main focus at the moment basketball will always be a big part of my life. Basketball has taught me so many lessons as well as brought me some of the happiest and saddest moments of my life, from being undefeated in the regular season to losing in the championship the same year. I have a special connection with the sport when some people get sad they go talk to a family member or go for a walk, me, I put in my airpods and head to court.